US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has published "online" for the first time in history over 13 million classified documents previously considered. Publication of the documents comes after long efforts by advocates of freedom of information and a legal suit against the CIA.
Among the documents included briefings on intelligence information, research papers, observations UFOs and psychic experiments. Full archive consists of about 800 thousand folder with about 13 million pages.
Also found in the documents of Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State under Presidents Richard Nixon administrations and Gerald Ford, as well as hundreds of thousands of pages of intelligence analysis and research development.
Among the documents are considered unusual even those so-called program "Stargate", which deals with psychic powers and perception across senses. This includes tests conducted to psikikut Uri Geller in 1973, when he was a well-established performer. Details show how Geller could repeat partly some paintings exhibited in another room, with a different accuracy but often very precise, prompting researchers wrote that "he showed his skills paranormal perception in a compelling and clear ".
Although most of this information has been "technically public" since the mid-90s, this material has been extremely difficult to access by anyone. Documents were available from 4 computers found themselves in the rear of the library of the National Archives in Maryland, from 9 in the morning until 16:30 every day.
A nonprofit group for freedom of information, "MuckRock" sued the CIA forcing it to load "online" all the documents in a process that lasted over two years.
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