• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 2, 2017

    Antiekstremizëm US war only against radical Islam

    Administration "Trump" requires you to modify and reappoint a US government program created to deal with all ideologies of violence by focusing solely on Islamic extremism.

    According to "Reuters", which is based on its sources within the US government, the program "Prohibition of violent extremism" can change and be called "Prohibition of Islamic extremism" or "radical Islamic extremism ban". Sources "Reuteres" say that in such a case, the program will not more groups like white supremacists who committed bombings and gun attacks in the US.

    Such a change would reflect s Trump campaign rhetoric and criticism of Barack Obama, which he proved weak in the fight against the Islamic State and particularly to the use of the phrase rejection of radical Islam.

    The current program aims to prevent groups or individuals to carry out attacks in the US through partnerships with communities and educational programs. But this program, which focuses on residents in the US and is separate from military efforts to combat online extremism, has been criticized by some of his supporters as ineffective. But others think that only focus on radical Islam will isolate more than 3 million Americans who practice Islam peacefully.

    According to "Reuters", the US Department of Homeland Security and the White House failed to respond to questions on this issue.

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